Our high-definition frontals and lace frontals feature the thinnest lace available on the market. The ultra-thin lace provides a natural hairline with tiny knots, making the frontal completely undetectable once installed, giving you the perfect scalp illusion. While we recommend having a professional stylist install your lace, it is also beginner-friendly.
Frontals typically last about 4-6 weeks or longer but must be replaced after each installation.
- Hair Color:** 1B
- Lace Size:** 13x6 Extra Large Deep Parting (suitable for half up/half down hairstyles)
- Lace Color:** HD Film Lace (High Definition, blends with most skin tones)
- Knots:** Small Invisible Knots
- Bleaching Knots:** When bleaching your knots, please do not leave the bleach on the lace for more than 1 minute due to the small knot size. We are not responsible for over-processing your knots.
- Parting Options:** Down the middle, on both sides, or can be worn straight back
- Baby Hairs:** Included at the front of the lace must be replaced after each installment.